Saturday, May 24, 2008


Shabbat...a day of rest...took on new meaning for me as well as the others of our ride...this day of rest could not have come at a better time. After three days in the saddle and 180 miles (give or take later) it was welcomed relief.

Shabbat on Friday night began with a beautiful service. The tradition of welcoming we follow at Adaht Israel was very appreciated and noticed as we welcomed the Kehillah of bike riders to the service. There, at the service, multi generations of bike riders from all types of Judaism, sat and prayed together. Following this service, we returned to the hotel for a wonderful dinner of fellowship. People sat with other people they had met on the ride. This community continued after the dinner as we sat around into the evening discussing the ride, home life, etc.

Shabbat morning service was perhaps the most meaningful part of the trip, when Paula, a 20 year old became a Bat Mitzvah. This was a surprise to most, including her dad. It makes one stop and really gain an appreciation of what this ride has meant when a young woman who has come to Israel for the first time in her life, also becomes a Bat Mitzvah. Tear were flowing from my eyes as I was so proud of her and the moment. Following her Aliyah, we tossed candy and sang.

Shabbat continued with a study group and lunch. Following these, we heard from the students of the Arvana. They brought their experiences to life in a way that had meaning for all. Jew and Arab and Palestinian living and working together for peace.

Shabbat concluded with Havdallah at a look out area over the Makhtesh. So what is this place? Think of this area as an imploded mountain. We sang, danced (the rumor is true...i did "breakdance"), and said goodbye to Shabbat and back to the bike.

I titled this piece as Im or "If" which was the opening word in this week's Parshah. Prior to Havdallah we shared what this ride has meant. As someone with bad knees, asthmatic, etc...i would have never thought about a ride like this one. But we make decisions and commitments in life. I am here and glad to be. It has taught me something about myself. I hope that I never wonder "if" again, but always grab life and live it to the fullest.



1 comment:

imthal said...

The Adath Israel team is truly inspirational. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.